Project Description: AB2588 Toxic Emissions Reporting
Location: Various
Agency: San Joaquin Valley APCD
Date: 2019
In accordance with the Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Information and Assessment Act (AB2588), facilities are required to prepare toxic plans and reports. TES, Inc prepared a Toxics Emission Inventory Plans (TEIP) and reports (TEIR) for several clients which include petroleum storage facilities, aggregate mining facilities and for hot mix asphalt operations. The plan provides a comprehensive and detailed description of the methods that will be used to quantify air releases or potential air releases of listed substances from all points of release. The plan also includes quantification methods which result in accurate and comprehensive characterization of releases. TES, Inc. determined the sources of toxics that would be released from the facility and provided a viable toxics calculation method. The emission sources discussed in the plan include permitted emission sources, non-fugitive permit-exempt sources, and fugitive permit-exempt sources. Process flow diagrams, site maps, receptor maps and equipment identification maps where developed for the Toxic Plans.
Once the plans were approved, TES prepared the toxic reports which calculated the toxic emissions from the facility. The report calculated the facilities prioritization score to determine if the sites were low, intermediate or high priorities.