Project Description: CARB Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) for Portable Diesel Engines
Location: Southern California
Agency: California Air Resources Board (CARB)
Date: December 2018
Clients who own fleets consisting of portable diesel-fueled engines with a brake horsepower of 50 bhp or greater must comply with The Portable Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) in order to reduce diesel particulate matter (PM) emissions. First, TES, Inc. worked directly with fleet owners to help them identify which vehicles in their fleets would be assessed for compliance. TES, Inc. then helped guide the collection of the PERP registration numbers, engine family names, and brake horsepower for each vehicle’s diesel engine. This information was then inputted into CARB’s Emission Calculator, to predict the vehicle’s diesel engine emissions over each compliance term. TES, Inc. provided the client a summary of their compliance status for the next three compliance terms and made recommendations on what alterations would be necessary for the diesel engines in their fleet to meet each compliance term’s PM requirement.