Project Description: Toxics Emissions Inventory Plan
Location: Various
Agency: San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District
Date: April – May 2019
From April to May 2019 TES, Inc. prepared a Toxics Emission Inventory Plan (TEIP) for a hot mix asphalt operation. The TEIP is a part of the Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Information and Assessment Act (AB 2588) which requires stationary sources to report the types and quantities of certain toxic substances their facilities routinely release in the air. The plan provided a comprehensive and detailed description of the methods that will be used to quantify air releases or potential air releases of listed substances from all points of release. The plan also included quantification methods which were essential to reporting accurate and comprehensive characterization of releases. Using the TEIP template and AB 2588 “Hot Spots” Air Toxics Profiles provided by San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD), as well as client provided permits, TES, Inc. determined the toxics that would be released from emission sources at the facility and provided a viable toxics calculation method. The emission sources discussed in the plan included permitted emission sources, non-fugitive permit-exempt sources, and fugitive permit-exempt sources. TES, Inc. also developed process flow diagrams and equipment identification maps for the hot mix asphalt facility as a part of the TEIP submittal. The TEIP was submitted to the SJVAPCD by the May 2019 deadline.