Project Description: 2018 Annual Emission Reporting and AB2588 Toxic Emissions Reporting
Location: Various
Agency: South Coast AQMD
Date: January – March 2019
The South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD’s) Annual Emission Reporting (AER) program was developed to track emissions of air contaminants from the following facilities: Facilities that emit four or more tons/year of VOC, SPOG, NOx, SOx, or PM, facilities that emit 100 or more tons/year of CO, facilities that are subject to AB2588, or facilities that are notified by letter. This is an extensive process that involves determining emissions sources at the facility, determining annual throughputs and emission factors, and paying a fee based on rates determined by SCAQMD. TES, Inc. worked with several clients from January to March 2019 to receive 2018 annual throughputs for various emission sources, which were then entered into SCAQMD’s AER portal along with emission factors determined from previously conducted source tests. TES, Inc. then verified that the fees owed to SCAQMD were in-line with fees from past reporting years to ensure that clients were not paying more than what was necessary. Completed reports were mailed to clients for their signature and then sent to SCAQMD for review. This annual emissions inventory of pollutants and source categories is essential to design and evaluate clean air strategies to comply with state and federal public health standards.